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The 64th OA Birthday Party 

LAX Hilton 5711 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA

OA’s biggest bash is back, and you’re invited! The 64th OA Birthday Party Friday, January 12th – Sunday, January 14th 2024at the LAX Hilton – 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA…

In Person Workshop: God Box & Vision Board

Hulu Community Room 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, California

Come and make a God Box or Vision Board Bring bag lunch (optional) and magazines if you have any you'd like to share Suggested donation: $5-$10

4th of July in the Park

Cheviot Hills Park 2551 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA, United States

Freedom and Independence in Recovery We will have three main speakers and time for 3-minute pitches. For questions or to offer service, email

Emotional Sobriety Workshop

Hulu Community Room 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, California

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Bring a bagged lunch1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Workshop


Serenity Hike at Solstice Canyon

The site has limited parking so please try and carpool with a friend. 2.1-mile hike round trip. Bring comfortable hiking shoes, sunscreen, & water. Pets are OK. For 7th Tradition,…

Aging with Grace and Wisdom

Presented by the Overeater's Anonymous Los Angeles Intergroup Three long time members will share their experience strength and hope about aging. Each speaker will be followed by individual shares. Hope…

38th SoCal OA Men’s Retreat

Old Mission San Luis Rey Retreat Center 4050 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA, United States

What is the cost? Commuters (not staying overnight) Meal Prices: What do I get? When does it start? Dinner starts at 6:00 pm Friday, November 1.Opening ceremonies begin at 7:30pm…

Thanksgiving in the Park

Cheviot Hills Park 2551 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA, United States

8am-8:30am Morning Meditation:Guided meditation focusing on gratitude and serenity. Bring a comfortable cushion, pillow or blanket on which to sit. 9am-11am Meeting: Celebrate recovery from compulsive eating with your OA…

LGBTQIA Focus Workshop

Three speakers share their experience, strength, and hope on Steps 1, 2 & 3. Followed by three minute shares. ZOOM WorkshopMeeting ID: 843 2671 6768Passode: 129217Join the Zoom Meeting

Event Series In-Person Event

Grief & Loss Workshop

Hulu Community Room 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, California

Join us for an interactive workshop hosted by the Los Angeles Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous where we’ll hear from 3 lead speakers and time for open sharing.

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