LGBTQIA Focus Workshop
LGBTQIA Focus Workshop
Three speakers share their experience, strength, and hope on Steps 1, 2 & 3. Followed by three minute shares. ZOOM WorkshopMeeting ID: 843 2671 6768Passode: 129217Join the Zoom Meeting
Three speakers share their experience, strength, and hope on Steps 1, 2 & 3. Followed by three minute shares. ZOOM WorkshopMeeting ID: 843 2671 6768Passode: 129217Join the Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID: 986 8413 8128Password: 586561Join Link: Number: 408-638-0968 Please send a representative from your meeting and receive important information, flyers for upcoming events, and The 12th Stepper…
Join us for an interactive workshop hosted by the Los Angeles Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous where we’ll hear from 3 lead speakers and time for open sharing.